My two favorite days for a Vegas conference: arriving and leaving. Everything in between is a foot numbing, sleepless blur. But we had a great time! It was cool to be on stage hanging with our Cisco friends and getting to re-unite with old competitors, many of which are former peers.
We did not have as many videos as usual for a trip like this since we were doing the 'stand and deliver' thing. The topics were good however.
This was a two-fer that Jimmy Ray and I tag teamed...I feel the urge to call it 'Unified' something just to complete my corporate marketing bingo card....but I did giggle a bit knowing that we stood in front of the 'MOC SOC' (Mock Security Operations Center). I am not even sure why I find that funny.
Please check out the Success Factors video we did with Marlowe Fenne. . I blogged about Unified Access (BINGO!) yesterday.
My work here is done.
Thanks for watching!
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