Businesses|are|looking|to increase their agility and deliver new services to attract and retain customers. Developers are working to create apps that creatively solve a business problem. These demands apply increasing pressure on IT departments, their partners, and tech providers.
At Cisco Live this year, I'll be discussing this challenge with one of ourCisco Partners, Marcus Lindfrom Miradot, the world's first DevNet Specialized Partner. We will discuss how Miradot has used their DevNet Certification skills to focus on infrastructure automation for their customers and how these capabilities have opened new doors for their business.
In the session, we will talk about how they have successfully responded to a "Network Automation" RFP and how their capabilities evolved the project into a complete "Infrastructure Automation" engagement. Marcus and I will explore the customer outcomes they are addressing and how an automated infrastructure will enable the customer to deploy applications that deliver consumable business services.
Additionally, we'll discuss how Miradot is looking to leverage solutions from Cisco Learning & Certifications to upskill their customer to consume the new capabilities of their automated infrastructure more efficiently.
Be sure to join us in session DevNet-1482 at Cisco Live this year.
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