Sectra Tiger/S is a mobile phone that is designed to be quantum-resilient, allowing users to share sensitive information up to and including the NATO SECRET classification level through encrypted speech, messaging, and data transfer. The latest version of the phone supports all fixed and mobile 4G networks, while also featuring improved robustness and sound quality, resulting in better availability, user experience, and potential use cases. The product is widely used by various user organizations across numerous EU and NATO countries, highlighting its reliability and security. For more information on Sectra Tiger/S, visit Sectra's website.
According to Managing Director of Sectra Communications BV, Jeroen de Muijnck, 'The need for secure and robust communication systems with high availability is greater than ever before. A quantum-resilient solution is therefore a necessity for our NATO customers to uphold their digital sovereignty. This approval confirms that our latest version of Sectra Tiger/S withstands today's and future threats'. He said
With the advent of quantum computers that are capable of performing certain calculations much more efficiently than current computers, existing encryption methods may be vulnerable to attack. As a result, quantum-resilient solutions are seen as a key aspect of future-proof confidentiality. It is noteworthy that the Dutch security authority and the EU have approved the latest version of Sectra Tiger/S for use up to and including the SECRET classification level.