Today we unveiled thenew Cisco brand campaign.Don't blink,because in an instant you might miss our bold, evolutionary change. For more than a decade we've shown that we're more than a networking company. But now it's time to show what that really means. Now is the time to share how we're impacting our lives in big, bold, interesting ways. That technology is the driving force for change in the world. But we're not doing it alone -it's with you our partners, that we've made this a reality.
It gives me goose bumps just thinking about that! Through the technology and the relationships we've built-that our combined innovation is helping humanity. This campaign shows that when technology and people come together, that combination could solve some really big problems. If bringing water to impoverished nations to saving lives through Search and Rescue wasn't astounding enough, partners like Dimension Data are changing the fate of endangered animals on the African safari. And this is just the beginning! More examples big and small of how Cisco, partners, and customers are coming together to make the world a better place.
Sparking the Conversation
So what does this mean to you? Well as a partner I'm asking for your help. First, I challenge you to think about what you're doing with your customers to impact the world. Secondly, I'm asking that we come together and share this. Because we believe this is so huge,for the first time everwe're giving you access to brand campaign assets and the know-how to make this happen.
We're in this together! Beginning with theEngage Marketing Suite you'll get the training, expert advice, and the best practices to use the campaign assets to reach your customers. In under 10 minutes of your time you can take three Marketing Velocity eLearning courses expanding your knowledge forCo-Branding, Improved Writing, and most importantly, how to maximize your uniqueValue Proposition. Then take an hour, to see what our own brand experts have to share about how to use your brand to your advantage, with theEnchant to Engagewebcast.
You have the knowledge, now it's time to apply that, and we've built the campaign assets for you. InPartner Marketing Centralwe're giving you social media posts, digital assets and a playbook of how to use them. This is why we feel this is so important. It's not about Cisco, it's about us -Cisco and partners solving big problems to change the world. Getting the word out is going to spark conversations with your customers you would have never had before. These brand assets are giving you the fuel for that spark!
Tell Us What You're Doing
We're giving you access to the brand campaign and we hope you'll use what we've created. But give me your feedback, tell me what you would like to see that would help you. Tell us what you're doing to impact change and share your stories with us! We would love to feature them as more examples of how we are changing the world, together. These are the things that influence perception toward selecting your brand -use it to your advantage!