As its name suggests, a Wi-Fi extender rebroadcasts an existing Wi-Fi signal. It connects to an existing router to broaden the wirelessnetwork coverage throughout a building.
These devices, also called wireless repeaters or wireless range extenders, are easy to set up and can help additional devices connect to the main network.
Wi-Fi extenders are a bit like mini routers. Although they're not technically the same, adding a Wi-Fi extender to your network produces a similar effect to having two routers broadcast signals throughout your home: more coverage.
A Wi-Fi extender makes a totally separate network based on the primary network. They connect to the existing Wi-Fi network wirelessly to add coverage.
Most Wi-Fi extenders are super convenient to use. They're small, require no wires, and plug into a regular wall outlet.
When installing a Wi-Fi extender, you'll have two networks from which to choose (the router's and the extender's) on the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz bands. You'll have to manually connect your device to the extender the first time.
Once you save it, you can easily switch between the router and the extender network, depending on which one is stronger at a given time or where you are in relation to the primary network. The default network name and password for a Wi-Fi extender depend on the manufacturer.
If you own your router, check if it's worthwhile to upgrade it; if you rent one from your ISP, contact them to see if you can get a free upgrade. Sometimes, new hardware, like a long-range router, is all you need to solve your wireless woes.
If your current router is current enough, you'll want to purchase an extender with similar or equal specs. You don't want an extender that'sless advanced than your router because it won't be strong enough, and getting one that is more advanced means you'll be paying for functionality you can't use.
Before you purchase one, be sure that there's no other solution, such as repositioning your router to a more central location, upgrading to a new one, or switching to a mesh network.
The Best Wi-Fi Range ExtendersThere are many reasons you might have a weak or non-existent Wi-Fi signal in your space, and not all require a Wi-Fi extender. There are several ways to boost a Wi-Fi signal, and not all of them require spending money.
Some of those solutions include:
However, sometimes a Wi-Fi extender is the perfect solution to a spotty internet problem that won't go away. If you need a stable connection and fast speeds, a Wi-Fi extender can often help you get the best coverage throughout your home.
How to Use a Router as a Wi-Fi Extender