Businesses both large and small could benefit from having business credit cards. When company employees use business credit cards,whether for purchasing supplies, equipment, meals, or for travel, it makes it easier to keep track o...
Peter Dazeley / Getty The number of credit cards to have is a personal decision that depends heavily on you, your financial situation, and how well you manage your credit. The decision also depends on your credit score...
No matter your interest or level of experience, and whether you prefer your hosts serious, silly, or somewhere in between, there's a tech podcast out there for you. Our favorite tech podcasts offer a little bit of everything...
Imagine this: You're using one Linux distribution and you want to quickly deploy a virtual machine of another Linux distribution for either testing purposes or to have a secondary operating system to use for such things as develop...
Whether you're just starting out as a coder or want to advance your coding skills, tackling programming problems is part of the plan. Convenient, free, and even fun, coding problem websites challenge your abilities with indi...
If you're pursuing a humanities degree (i.e. a degree in any non-science, technology, or engineering major), but eyeing the high wages enjoyed by tech professionals, you may have wondered if humanities students can learn coding
If you've ever been on a job search site, you know they can be overwhelming. Narrowing down positions by the location, role, salary, and experience level you seek presents challenges, especially in the increasingly global work lan...
Leaving a job is never easy. No matter your reason for leaving (accepting another job offer, retirement, experiencing burnout or other health issues, etc.), the experience can feel anxiety-inducing and awkward. That includes...
I cannot tell you how many times a day I wind up emailing myself links to articles and other webby bits so I can consume them later. Sometimes I remember those emails I've sent and sometimes not. Every so often I'll be combing thr...
In 2017, the National Disability Institute completed a financial survey. It showed that students with disabilities take out fewer loans than nondisabled individuals. However, 36% of respondents with student loan debt did not compl... is one of the most popular project management platforms on the market. With powerful views and just about every tool and feature you'd need to manage projects of all types and scopes, this service is ready to help any o...
In this day and age, you should be doing everything in your power to boost the security and privacy of your browsing efforts. If you don't, you're being tracked, logged, and monitored by just about every site you visit. For ...