As enterprise cloud use expands rapidly to include public, private, and hybrid clouds, CIOs need to evolve their IT business model and become enterprise cloud service brokerage (CSBs). A cloud service brokerage, as defined by...
If you have been following Cisco Blogs, attending CiscoLive, or reading industry publications like Network World, you've probably heard about Cisco's Intelligent WAN or IWAN solution. For those of you that haven't been in th...
Cisco, in its quest to embrace programmability, has created what is called the ACI Toolkit, which is basically a combination of an NX-OS like CLI and some custom python scripts. Although this toolkit doesn't allow you to do all co...
Jimmy Ray never reads directionsJust another Call Center? Initially, I was not too excited about doing a show on TAC, Cisco's Technical Assistance Center. This topic has been requested in various forms throughout t...
Cancun in November is not your ideal spring break destination, but it feels that way as many of us are heading there next week as part of a big contingent to host Cisco Live Cancun 2014. Beyond fun and tourism, lots of excitement ...
This month,Focus, Cisco's monthly online publication, takes a look at the latest Connected Health trends and technology news. Data-driven decisions, better specialized care and improved patient experiences are tran...
Hybrid cloud is finally here. Since cloud came on the scene a few years back, companies have had the choice of building a private cloud, which they managed on premises, or buying services from a public cloud provider. ...
Cisco is committed to leading the industry in bringing innovation and value to its customers through the cloud. Through Cisco Powered, Cisco has driven high standards for cloud services, making enterprise-class performance a...
Cisco technology helps enable first live streams of World Series action With the World Series wrapping up with game seven tonight and a new champion to be crowned, it's a great time to reflect on the game and its impact on fans. B...
ASA and SourceFireTraditional network security solutions have been built from disparate point technologies that create gaps in traditional defenses that sophisticated attackers exploit. With an integrated approach, organizati...
Yesterday, 500 Cisco employees assembled kits for two of our nonprofit partners, making the World Wide IT Manager's Offsite (WWITMO) "Giving Back" event Cisco's largest volunteer effort ever. Two-hundred volunteers assembled hands...
As they speed through the clouds, most air travelers are comfortable knowing that their pilot is not actually bothering to fly the plane. On the open highway, however, it may be harder to accept truck drivers who take their hands ...