Beingfastis important this time of year. X-Wing Fighters in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" are fast. Avoiding that overly excited light saber wielding fan in line requires you to be fast. Holiday shoppers are snatching up de...
Over the past few years of being immersed in the Internet of Things (IoT), I have found that customers have very specific problems they are trying to solve; e.g. gaining energy efficiency, early fault detection or remote diagnosis...
This is Part 2 of our blog series about NG-Firewalls. See Part 1 here. Part 2: Enter Threat-Focused NG-Firewall What does a Threat-focused NG-Firewall do differently? Just about everything. Let's compare the most popular NGFW...
Do the names Linda Keith and Chas Chandler ring a bell? Well, without their influence, we may have never heard of Jim Hendrix. In May 1966, Keith ran into the then-obscure Hendrix playing at the Cheetah club in New York. "He...
I just recently returned from the Internet of Things World Forum (IoTWF) in Dubai. This was the third annual IoTWF, which has quickly become the premiere event showcasing innovations and opportunities made possible by the Internet...
Most of us get into the holiday spirit this time of year. Time spent with friends and family, gift giving and reflecting on our many blessings creates a positive glow for the majority. But that feeling of gratitude doesn't have to...
The post was authored byBen BakerandEarl Carter. Payment cards without an EMV chip have reached their end-of-life. Point of Sale (PoS) malware, such asPoSeidon, has continued to threaten businesses. The news is continually filled ...
Telecom Asia has recently announced the winners of their 8th Readers' Choice & Innovation Awards. For the Cisco Mobility team it was a proud moment to receive the award for "NFV Innovation of the Year" for our Virtual Packet C...
Announced today, TPC-DS V2 is the Industry's first standard for benchmarking SQL based big data systems. Over the last two years, the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC), has reinvented itself in several ways -with ne...
Machinery, supply chains, and raw materials have always been core concerns in manufacturing. Today, another asset is just as critical - data. General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt said it well: "The industrial world is ...
In Part 1 of this blog post, I described the circumstances that led to the creation and roll out of the Career Connection pilot and the formation of the Cisco Collaborative Knowledge digital workplace platform. Now I want to share...
Everyone knows that data is important. Modern enterprises compete with data and win with the agility and insight it provides. Thus the "Big Data Era" as metaphorically captured by terms such at Data Lakes, Data Reservoirs, Data Sw...