At the ITS World Congress last month in Detroit, we saw a wide range of intelligent transportation solutions and concepts. The most popular solutions on display -presented by several Auto Manufacturers, ITS suppliers, and Cisco al...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is exponentially increasing the number and type of attack vectors, creating many new cybersecurity challenges for organizations and those responsible for defending the infrastructure. These new threats...
This post was written by Martin Lee Old protocol versions are a fact of life. When a new improved protocol is released, products still need to support the old version for backwards compatibility. If previous versions contain weakn...
Recent trends like big data, BYOD, video and Internet of Things are putting more pressure on over all data center design. Enterprise architects are looking for cost effective and innovative platforms to stay competitiv...
Today's connected and networked world has created a fast-paced environment for growth, innovation, and optimization. In retail, you'll find businesses taking advantage of this new era of hyperconnectivity to deliver innovative con...
The Internet of Everything (IoE) will connect people, data, processes and things into a vast web of communication that is already dramatically changing how we live and work. Cisco projects that by next year, 25 billion devices wil...
Today I have thehonor of kicking off the second Internet of Things World Forum in Chicago. We first launched the Internet of Things World Forum last year in Barcelona with the goal of accelerating the IoT ecosystem along wit...
This morning I had a pleasure of joining 1871 CEO Howard Tullman, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and many others in launching the expansion of 1871. Launched in 2012, 1871 is a leading Chicago non-profit incubator that provides...
This week at the Internet of Things World Forum we are challenging the industry to accelerate the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT leverages many 'off the shelf' technologies but also has some unique requirements, whi...
Voice and video communications over IP have become ubiquitous over the last decade, pervasive across desktop apps, mobile apps, IP phones, video conferencing endpoints, and more. One big barrier remains: users can't collabor...
The second revolution in server virtualization is here. Virtual Machines were the first revolution that allowed users the ability to run multiple workloads on a single server through a hypervisor. Now the next wave is here.&...
Last week I attended the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, where the theme of the event was "Driving Digital Business." One of the key themes was the Internet of Everything (IoE) as well as some of the key enabling trends like m...