Welcome to Cisco Live San Diego 2015! We are excited to showcase our Enterprise Mobility booth, announcements and events at#CLUS. This page is a resource page to help you in planning for all of the exciting Mobilit...
We recently attended the American Manufacturing Summit (AMS) and North American Manufacturing Excellence Summit (NAMES) held in Chicago, IL where Cisco was a main sponsor at both events. AMS provided a great opportunity for indust...
Cloud computing has fundamentally altered the IT landscape: dramatically boosting IT agility, while lowering costs. To realize the business advantages of cloud, organizations are shifting to a hybrid IT model-blending private clou...
If you've been following Cisco Collaboration, you know that we're focused on the experience. The whole experience: Product experience for users Sales and support experience for partners Purchase, deployment, and manageme...
When we talk to customers about collaboration and communication, we ask how they work today. Then we ask how they'd like to work in the future -and what tools and capabilities they want. Sometimes the things they want are simple, ...
The Internet of Everything (IoE) -bringing together people, process, data, and things to make networked connections more relevant and valuable than ever before -is accelerating the pace of digital transformation. This new age of t...
You're sitting at your desk reading your emails and you read one, just one email that makes your blood boil. It could be from your boss giving you an unrealistic deadline, or from a colleague dropping a large piece of work on...
As the first in the series of "Why I love Big Data blogs" with our Big Data and Analytics partners, I am pleased to have Cecile share how Hortonworks is working with Cisco to bring business solutions to our joint customers.  ...
Application teams are the backbone of the revenue generating capabilities of all companies. These creative people spend their off-hours working with the latest tools to keep their skills sharp. Increasingly, these team...
What makes the cloud such an attractive option for enterprises? The cloud empowers IT to act as a broker of business critical IT services. It helps the organization become a more proactive player that can aggregate, integrate, and...
The WAN: Then and Now The Wide Area Network (WAN) has been at the foundation of enterprise networks for decades: responsiblefor connecting people, applications and data across a large number of locations. Traditionally, the ...
We've come a long way since the first mobile devices hit the network. Our use of these devices has evolved beyond basic tasks such as checking email. They help us collaborate in real-time, stay healthy, directly connect with our f...