Cisco SecCon 2012 brought together hundreds of engineers, live and virtually, from Cisco offices around the globe with one common goal: to share their knowledge and learn best practices about how to increase the overall security p...
With global IP traffic projected to increase threefold over the next five years -after having increased eightfold over the past five years - policy control and services creation at large scale has never been more vital for mobile ...
This is our third preview of what Cisco will be showcasing at the 102nd National Retail Federation Convention and Expo on January 14 and 15, 2013 in New York City. We'll be showcasing Cisco Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Smart Solut...
Having recently wrapped up the 5thAnnual Cisco SecCon Conference, I'd like to take this opportunity to share with you what Cisco SecCon is and the benefits to our products and you, our customers. With that, let's start with a brie...
My previous post examined how a regional Provider Independent (PI) prefix is propagated across the Internet. This post discusses the second aspect of the issue: how does Provider Assigned/Aggregateable (PA) space propag...
OK, we all see a lot of college-ranking lists -everything from top technical schools to top party schools -but most recently with the explosion of technology in higher education a new list has debuted, named the Most Connected Col...
When it comes to their IT infrastructures, academic institution IT teams have a lot in common with IT departments in the business world. Both need to offer their customers the flexibility to access applications and resources at an...
As the year is drawing to a close, I like to reflect on the friendships and professional relationships I have built and nurtured over the year. There are many people and organizations that come to mind and it would be too long to ...
Telework has become more prevalent within government agencies, and the latest intelligence from the Office of Personnel Management says employees are pleased! From the environment to the budget, the benefits are far-reaching. But ...
Over the past weeks, Tom Nallen introduced the concept and benefits of the Cisco Validated Design , then Laszlo Bojtos, illustrated this concept with the Cloud Service Assurance for Virtualized Multi-Serv...
No, the email newsletter is not dead. It's very much alive and still one of the best ways to build trust, generate demand, and regularly stay relevant with your customers and prospects. In other words, unless you're blatantly viol...
A drop of water. It's not something we spend a lot of time thinking about. A single drop by itself is not that significant. Yet, when combined with millions or even billions of other drops, it can change the face of our planet. A ...