The Consumer Electronics Show, better known as CES, began in 1967 with a conference held at a New York, NY hotel. In the years since then, we've seen many announcements from companies that have revolutionized the technology we use...
The OnlyOffice Desktop Editors make for an outstanding MS Office alternative. With this application, you can either work locally or connect it to a cloud instance (self-hosted or hosted by a third party) and work ...
Jason Hiner Since the early 2000s, I've always set my Linux desktops to focus follows mouse. What is that mysterious feature? It's actually quite simple. By default, most OS desktops require you to click on a windo...
Every time you use your browser, DNS is at play. DNS stands for Domain Name System and is responsible for translating IP addresses, such as, into domain names, such as Without DNS, everyo...
What to Know Go toSettings>your name>Find My,and then toggle theFind MyiPadswitch to turn the feature on and off. Toggle onSend Last Locationto send Apple the iPad's location data so you can find the device even if it's ...
Alt text has been around for a long, long time. If you've never heard of it, the explanation is simple: Hover your cursor over an image. Essentially, alt text is what appears on a web page if an image fails to loa...
With Street View, you can see panoramic, street-level images of practically any place in the world. Captured by Google's fleet of specialized vehicles with high-resolution cameras, these images provide a virtual t...
The 400 Bad Request error is an HTTP status code that means the request you sent to the website server, often something simple like a request to load a web page, was somehow incorrect or corrupted and the server couldn't understan...
Kerry Wan Anytime you create a new email account using Google, you get 15GB of storage, which is generous for coming with no price tag. But that 15GB can fill up quickly, especially because that chunk of data stora...
You may have used generative AI to create text, images, and even videos. But have you ever called on it to conjure up your own music? A few different text-to-music tools can act as virtual composers, but one worth...
Computer hardware refers to thephysicalcomponents that make up a computer system. Many different kinds of hardware can be installed inside, and connected to the outside, of a computer. Computer hardware may sometimes be seen abb...
What to Know Web page: pressCtrl+F (Windows and Linux) orCommand+F (Mac).Entersearch term and pressEnter. Use the Mac Menu Bar to search by selectingEdit>Find in This Page(orFind). Typesite followed by a col...