Since the earliest days of computing, we've endeavored to provide users with efficient, secure access to the critical applications which power the business. From those early mainframe applications being accessed from hard-wired du...
Happy New Year! I can't recall another year that I was as happy to leave behind as 2020. While we're still facing tremendous challenges as the impacts of COVID-19 continue to ripple throughout the world economy and our public heal...
Today we launch our brand new publication, Defending Against Critical Threats: A 12 month roundup. Click to read Defending Against Critical Threats: A 12 month roundupInside, we take a retrospective look at cyber threats, and h...
Almost a year ago now, Cisco decided to ensure the safety of all employees and closed our offices globally. It was clearly the right move to make in the wake of so many unknowns. As a Site Engagement Manager for our Galway, Irelan...
This is a summary of a Fortinet article written for MSSP Alert. The entire article can be accessed here. As more companies leverage technology to enhance their offerings, the market for security service providers has gro...
We|will|see a rise in Apps! Last year, IDC predicted a 50% increase in the number of applications over 2020/2021 (Source: IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Cisco, Transforming ApplicationsandMulticloud Operations). Fast forward to ...
We|have|some exciting news! Very soon you'll have a DevNet sandbox for one of our Cloud security solutions: Umbrella. In this blog, I will walk you through all that we have developed in the last few months. Now if you don't like r...
Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between January 8 and January 15. As with previous roundups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize ...
Many of you are familiar with the 40G BiDi pluggable optic, but did you know that the 40G CSR can serve similar use cases and is sometimes an attractive alternative? Written by Craig Pasek, Product Manager, Cisco OpticsAs network...
As you jump on your brand-new exercise equipment to celebrate a newer version of yourself in this new year, I'm reminded of this idea of building some new muscle -for ourselves personally and perhaps even as a business. Moving int...
Next week we will publish our third annual "Defending Against Critical Threats" report; a roundup of some the most impactful cyber attacks from the past 12 months. Included in the publication are articles about how cyber criminals...
Huawei Recognized as a 2020 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Data Center and Cloud Networking with the Highest Rating Jan 15, 2021 [Shenzhen, China, January 15, 2021] Huawei, a leading global provider of...