No matter the industry, company or team, finding and hiring the right talent is an exciting and challenging process. In my experience, hiring for innovation adds yet another layer of complexity to this effort, as it requires candi...
I know we have not always gotten it right with Managed Service Providers (MSPs) or the Small and Medium Business (SMB) community they support and so we have been spending time with the MSP community, listening, learning and taking...
One of the great things about Cisco is our spirit of giving back. We have a goal to positively impact 1 billion lives by 2025, and we are all asked to give something of ourselves. Recently, a group of us took this to heart. Leader...
When we consider network threat detection, most of us immediately think of signature and rule-based intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs). However, it is a little discussed fact that the very first intrusion detection...
8/8/19 Update: Today we completed the acquisition of Sentryo. Welcome to Cisco! When the term
I recently had the good fortune to spend time with some of our big Service Provider customers. On the way back from my trip, I had time to reflect on the tectonic shifts that will play out in the SP market over the coming years, a...
Often, the top questions we receive on @WeAreCisco Instagram Live takeovers are around obtaining a job at Cisco, how to apply, and what technical certifications and schooling is required. The truth is that it varies from position...
8/8/19 Update: Today we completed the acquisition of Sentryo. Welcome to Cisco! The Internet of Things (IoT) holds tremendous potential for companies to increase their productivity, gain access to deep intelligence and create new ...
Cisco Defense Orchestrator adds support for new platforms, cloud logging and advanced analytics Organizations today are faced with securing their business everywhere across their hybrid networks
At OFC 2019, Cisco Optics Product Manager Kai Ng explained to me how our pluggable optical transceivers help our customers deploy and manage their networks worry-free. Many of the details will surprise a lot of people! More video...
During customer meetings, I receive a lot of positive feedback on Cisco DNA