I was fortunate to attend and present at the N.American Manufacturing Excellence Summit (NAMES) last week. It was an excellent chance to listen and learn from industry leading manufacturing executives around their best pract...
I'm excited to announce that we've completed our acquisition of CliQr Technologies Inc., a privately-held company that provides a cloud platform to model, deploy and manage applications across hybrid IT environments made-up of dat...
Recently a large scale ransomware campaign delivering Samsam changed the threat landscape for ransomware delivery. Targeting vulnerabilities in servers to spread ransomware is a new dimension to an already prolific threat. Due to ...
About the Author:Gradey Caldwellhas been exclusively focused on driving process and costs improvements in the world's largest manufacturers for over 30 years. For years I've seen manufacturing executives search for innovative ways...
"Location, location, location" is a classic mantra that comes to mind when buying property. Though I'm not a real estate power player, one thing I am fairly versed in is the Internet of Things (IoT), the billions of connected "thi...
In our Cybersecurity for Defense Blog Series Kickoff, Peter Romness mentioned that we at Cisco are hard at work delivering advanced cybersecurity capabilities that support the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy. That's certainly...
This post was written by guest blogger Hani Raad, Cisco General Manager of Iraq and Levant With a harsh winter hitting Lebanon and the urge from Cisco's Lebanon-based employees to take action in support of the Syrian refugee crisi...
For this blog, I collaborated with two of the UK's leading experts on marketing strategy: Moira Clark, Professor of Strategic Marketing and Director of the Henley Centre for Customer Management, at Henley Business School, Univers...
I entered the United States Marine Corps as a communications radio repair guy, which sounds pretty easy, right? But once you get in country, none of that really matters and during three tours in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom...
Data Storytellers: Each month we'll be highlighting experts and advocates to share their data stories, knowledge, and insights into the future of data and analytics. Subscribe to the RSS feed to get the latest updates.In every ind...
It's a fast-paced digital society. Your customers carry their entire world on their smartphone or tablet. As consumers and businesses balance their online worlds with the physical world, how are financial services institutions cha...
Cloud computing has reached a tipping point as many organizations have either adopted, or are planning to adopt, some form of cloud computing technology -whether IT knows and manages it or not. "Speed to capability" is one of the ...