What if cooking worked like video processing? By that I mean, what if every dish you made required separate, dedicated tools and processes just for that dish? So if you're making a main course for a dinner party, you break out you...
Many highly successful companies have a common characteristic- their customer care strategy is supportive of, and in alignment with, their corporate brand strategy, often driving to provide a consistent customer care experience, i...
The connections between your business success and data center efficiency have never been clearer or stronger. Delivering data center resources quickly to capitalize on new business opportunities or projects is a major factor for b...
Its been 9 months since we first discussed VDI 2.0 and the evolution of how and why GPU is becoming a necessary piece of a modern VDI environment. If you missed that blog, have a look here to catch up on this exciting transition. ...
It's a new year and we're looking forward to an exciting 2015. Let pause to take one last look at 2014. For the teams from Cisco and Microsoft supporting our data center alliance, it was a very good year. We expanded our partnersh...
Editor's Note: In the two previous blogs, we discussed some of the issues and dilemmas found within information security knowledge and practice domains. Those challenges arise fundamentally from the traditional approach that many ...
This blog was originally published on the Citizen Schools inspirED blog and reposted with permission from Citizen Schools. Meeting every student's academic needs in the classroom can be challenging but is essential to their succes...
Cisco partner Provista IP Communications* provided a solution to Canadian Natural Resources that delivered a flexible off-shore wireless network supplying data mobility whilst remaining secure and manageable. When you search for c...
As usual, in the post-Supercomputing / post-US-Thanksgiving-holiday lull, the work that we have all put off since we started ignoring it to prepare for Supercomputing catches up to us. Inevitably, it means that my writing he...
Chances are you might be reading this blogpost on a device other than a laptop or desktop computer. I'd also wager that the device you're using to read this post handles double-duty -that is, you use it for both work (e.g., ...
To celebrate 30 years of innovation at Cisco (#We are Cisco), we've asked Cisco Champions what they think is the most important Cisco innovation to date. Cisco Champions are seasoned IT technical experts and influencers who enjoy ...
What's new and trending for the industry? Well, predictions for the upcoming year as a motif is certainly not new but is definitely trending, considering the deluge of pundits concentrating their well-informed thoughts about which...