Cisco today announced a data and analytics strategy and a suite of analytics software that will enable customers to translate their data into actionable business insight regardless of where the data resides. With the number of con...
"We are going through unprecedented change in the service provider industry -and it's increasingly becoming a mobile and cloud-based world, with competition around every corner," Kelly Ahuja, senior vice president of Cisco's servi...
Our 2013 IT Impact Survey highlighted the importance of collaboration between business leaders and IT as trends like BYOD, data center consolidation and Cloud applications put more pressure on the network. Why collaborate? The sur...
The sheer size, variety, and speed of data traversing today's networks are increasing exponentially. This highly distributed data is generated by a wide range of cloud and enterprise applications, websites, social media, computers...
It started with voice: Get more from your corporate infrastructure investments by moving audio traffic onto the data network. It was a good idea that made good financial sense. It caught on. It became pervasive. As it did, we look...
Today, businesses are looking at security in a strategic, comprehensive way to protect mission critical processes and assets. There has never been a greater need to understand the impact that security threats can have on a company...
Just like bad weather conditions found in nature, such as typhoons, hurricanes, or snowstorms, technology system defects and vulnerabilities are inherent characteristics found in a cyber system environment. Regardless of whether i...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're talking withCisco Technical Marketing Engineer Kevin Roarty about Cisco Expressway. Kim Austin (@ciscokima) moderates and Josh Kittle, Joshu...
This post was authored byArmin Pelkmann and Earl Carter. Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group noticed a reappearance of several Dridex email campaigns, starting last week and continuing into this week as well. ...
This post was authored by Yves Younan. Today, Microsoft is releasing their final Update Tuesday of 2014. Last year, the end of year update was relatively large. This time, it's relatively light with a total of seven bulletins, cov...
Read today's data center news and it's all about software innovation, Cloud, SDN, Internet of Everything, Big Data, applications...etc. One would think that the days of hardware innovation are long gone. That's far from the ...
In this episode of Engineers Unplugged, Tony Harvey (@tonyknowspower) and Craig Sullivan (@craigsullivan70) discuss the role of storage in SAP HANA. How does big data impact you? Watch and learn. Thinking about unicorns.T...