#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're talking about ACI and OpenStack with Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer, Lauren Malhoit. Get the Podcast Listen to this episodeDownload this...
In June, we announced that Cisco was recognized by Infonetics Research as a Leader in the Policy Management scorecard, based on feedback from service provider customers, vendor market share, market share momentum, financials, bran...
Partners often ask me, "How much can I make on services?" It's a great question. The answer is almost always, "More than you're making right now!" Let's start with the sheer size of the services market. According to IDC, this will...
On August 19th twelve delegates came into Cisco for a deep dive session on multiple topics including IWAN Policy Automation and IWAN Application Visibility and Protection. This session is known as Networking Field Day where b...
It's almost the holiday season and it's time for your customers to host that special dinner party, where they can make memories and share stories with loved ones. What if they could also share the story of where that holiday meal ...
This summer's announced development alliance between Apple and Cisco reminded me of a quote from Tim Cook, Apple CEO, that I once read, "Most business models have focused on self-interest instead of user experience." Needless to s...
Across the industry, it's hard to find anyone who doesn't see cloud services as a huge market opportunity. According to the Cisco Global Cloud Index, global cloud IP traffic will nearly quadruple over the next several years, accou...
Connecting more things in more places creates new security challenges. Please join us on November 17, 2015 at 8:00AM (PST) for the IoT System Security webinar and learn how to secure and control IoT with the Cisco IoT System Secur...
Microsoft's Patch Tuesday has arrived. Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month's release contains 12 bulletins addressing...
Interviews are tricky because they can range from amazing experiences to downright horror stories. They make most people (even the interviewer) a little nervous, but they are one of the best ways to determine if you are a good fi...
Your mom and dad are on Facebook, your Grandma has a cell phone and your Uncle Oscar reads the morning paper on his tablet. If you haven't noticed yet, it's not just young people who are connected to their devices anymore. Erickso...
Integrating Monasca and Ceilometer seemed like a very good idea from the start. It would integrate all the OpenStack resources notifications and metrics as well as provide a unified storage layer for Monitoring and Metering, simpl...