#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're talking about Cisco Emergency Response (CER) and Emergency Calling with Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer Dan Keller. Get the Podcast Liste...
We recently sat down with IDC analyst, Jed Scaramella, to talk about an interesting and accelerating trend in data center technology:composable infrastructure. With UCS M-Series servers, Cisco has taken an important step forward i...
"Cisco Energy Management has given us a great deal of visibility into our energy consumption and usage patterns and has shown us that energy management can be done easily and seamlessly to deliver a significant return on investmen...
As we've observed, in today's fast-paced digital age, enterprises must continually find new ways to reskill their workforce to remain up to date with technology, develop effective leaders, and innovate new solutions on behalf of t...
I caught up with Stewart Young, Global Alliance Manager at OSIsoft LLC, a Cisco partner, to find out more about 'Edge Computing', or, as some call it, 'Fog Computing'. With the huge amount of data coming off Industrial sensors and...
Five years ago, CiscoandNetApp released FlexPod, combining Cisco UCS integrated infrastructure and NetApp storage, with the goal of increasing IT responsiveness to business demands while reducing cost and risk. We s...
High stakes can ride on the telling of a story. InOne Thousand and One Nights, the legendary Persian queen Scheherazade tells 1,000 stories on successive nights to save her life from the vengeful sultan. She ensnares his imaginati...
Written By Igor Dayen, SP Product and Solutions Marketing A year ago, SK Broadband announced the world's first 10 Gbps Internet service at the 2014 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference. This innovative new service was 100 times faster t...
Recently I was just granted the title, "Road Warrior." If you followed me on Twitter, you probably knew that I had been traveling lots lately. And I continue to live up to that title! Next up: MapR Big Data Everywhere in Austin (1...
Worries about diminished GDP growth, a shrinking middle class and rising geopolitical conflicts are rampant. Many may be concerned about the direction our world is headed in, but complete disruption of the ways our cities and coun...
The exciting trend of digital transformation has accelerated the demands on IT leaders to help their business counterparts get value out of data. The large majority of data companies collect is never analyzed. In the quest to find...
In the beginning of the month we had the honor of participating in Wireless Field Day 8. For the unsure, the Tech Field Day crew brings in independent bloggers, speakers, and podcasters to vendors in the bay area for deep-dives. T...