Cisco Intelligent Traffic Director (ITD) is an innovative solution to bridge the performance gap between a multi-terabit switch and gigabit servers and appliances. It is a hardware based multi-terabit layer 4 load-balancing, ...
Shadow IT is far from a new phenomenon; but the truth is that most IT leaders have little visibility in to the full costs of these services and the risk they represent. And with this gap comes the absence of a proac...
New CEO Chuck Robbins says it's because Cisco Rocks (and it does!)Recently, the Life at Cisco Instagram account (follow us!) asked employees to submit photos via Instagram (and a few other methods) to show us why they chose C...
The Cisco Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina campus, normally quiet over the weekend, will be alive and buzzing with activity this Saturday, September 12, as hundreds of students, robots, coaches, and volunteers gather f...
You know the differences between 802.11ac and 802.11n. You can explain how to install a wireless network until the digital cows come home. You even know the technical term for "the fear of phones"! How about taking all that knowle...
Earlier this summer I was privileged to be the closing keynote speaker at the UTM Convention, sponsored by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International's Silicon Valley chapter. The convention took place at the NASA ...
Aletterfrom private sector businesses and organizations to the Federal Communications Commission, and Departments of Transportation and Commerce, agreeing on a single set of principles to examine use of the 5.9 GHz band by unlicen...
A few years ago sandboxing technology really came of age in the security industry. The ability to emulate an environment, detonate a file without risk of infection, and analyze its behavior became quite a handy research tool. Sinc...
Growing up, my grandfather and I were very close. As a boy and young man, I learned a lot about the world from the stories he would tell me on his porch in Chicago about his life growing up black in the segregated south, the...
While digital disruption is overturning incumbents faster than just about any force in history, many business leaders are not getting the memo.As I wrote in my previous blog, our recent "Digital Vortex" research found that nearly ...
Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Citizen-centric Services in the Digital Era Governments today face a challenging and rapidly changing environment. Ambitious reforms and revenue generating operations are taking precedence, even whi...
Two things happened this year that give me a reason to stay up past 11:30 p.m.: I had a second baby and Cisco started a new partnership with Jimmy Kimmel Live. Usually, I catch clips of late-night shows on YouTube. But when ...