Today's manufacturing industry faces an aging industrial machinery infrastructure that presents huge security challenges poised for continued growth in the coming months and years. Increasingly, manufacturers are beginning to view...
Over 2000 innovators came together in San Jose recently to examine ways to ensure that buildings can survive powerful earthquakes. This was no ordinary trade show. It wasn't an industry conference filled with engineers and seismol...
The role of the contact center is making a major shift. In the past, the goal of the contact center was to handle customer calls as quickly as possible. Time spent on the phone was time paying for an agent. Today's customer calls ...
Chances are that your storage area network (SAN) is already feeling the pressure from an avalanche of data. All that data can add real value to your business, but only if you can access it and use it instantly, 24 hour...
An Unforgettable Experience It's 6 a.m. on a Saturday. Filled with excitement and anticipation, I watched as my hot air balloon, the last one in the bunch, inflated. Around me, one after another, balloons started to float effortle...
Lately I made the change from deep technical consultant to a more high-level architect like kind of consultant. I now do my work on the turning point between business and technique. One of my first jobs is to make my customer read...
Each year, Cisco Live is packed with thousands of partners, innovators and progressive thinkers looking beyond today to transform technology tomorrow. For women in the technology industry, Cisco Live 2015 provided us with the opp...
My Story: Beth Carter from LCPS-TV on Vimeo. Growing up, we all had a favorite teacher. It may have been an impassioned English teacher keen on Shakespeare and Tolkien or perhaps a Science teacher with an over-the-top flair for d...
It's no secret that security is top priority for the federal government. It seems like every week we are hearing about a new threat, hack, or breach that has hit an agency. In just the past few weeks, we've heard about significant...
Just before setting off for Cisco Live I heard an economist on the radio talk about the relative performance of leading countries. The key measure was productivity: GDP per worked hour. Certainly historic outcomes are important b...
This week, Cisco completed the acquisition of, Piston Cloud. Piston Cloud has been a long time member and contributor to OpenStack. I've always admired their engineering-savvy approach to OpenStack, the unique and memorable way i...
If you're an astute visitor to, you'll notice a couple of our prominent pages have gotten some nice functional updates. . First, the all new Support & Downloads page, which went just through some tweaks, streamlining...