By: Conrad Clemson, VP of business development, Cisco Service Provider Video Let's start this blog with this simple observation: TV didn't kill radio, but it did disrupt how advertising flows. Same for the impact of online media, ...
Once your organization has made the decision to move into the cloud what are the next steps? Making the decision can turn out to be the easy part, but turning your strategy and vision into reality can become a daunting task if yo...
Some of us still remember, in the pre-DVR days, when missing an episode of your favorite show meant it was lost forever -unless you chanced upon it in reruns. Even when technology allowed us to book content for recording, whether ...
As the ultimate marketplace for consumer technology, the International CES?brings together thousands of innovators each January in Las Vegas to present designs and ideas for the devices that connect, inform and entertain consumers...
According to Duke University's Vice Provost, L. Gregory Jones, "Students need to have a global imagination if they're going to be leaders in any vocation in the 21st century." Which is precisely why Duke has been at the forefront ...
As the cloud prepares for another history-making year in its campaign to become a part of every part of our lives, a different type of history is being made. The birth of life. As we begin a new year, many around the world are cel...
Unless you did all your Holiday shopping online this season, you no doubt experienced the nuisance of trying to find a parking spot. In San Carlos, this was becoming an issue beyond just frustration. Businesses were worried about ...
Due to the tremendous amount of data generated daily from fields such as business, research, and sciences, big data is everywhere and represents huge opportunities to those who can use it effectively. In the past, this information...
As we come to the end of 2013, there is a lot to look back at, and still more to look forward to in 2014. Last year I speculated whether 2012 was the year of converged infrastructure and all indications are that it was ...
Takeaway: The Cisco Enterprise Mobility group has stayed ahead of the competition by staying innovative and cutting edge while delivering quality, high performing products and solutions, while displaying thought leadership on...
NAME MPI_Festivus -An MPI function for the rest of us SYNTAX C Syntax #includeint MPI_Festivus(void *handle, char *requested, char *provided, MPI_Info *result) Fortran Syntax use mpi_f08 MPI_FESTIVUS(handle, requeste...
Over the weekend I had a brief twitter chat with someone who mentioned he had been wondering 'what the heck is IWAN?' (I'm paraphrasing here) and hadn't been able to find anything on it. Besides asking the obvious -why he ha...