This blog was originally posted on the Huffington Post. Many of the problems we face today are so large and widespread, no one organization or agency can solve them alone. Yet, individuals and local organizations work toward solut...
Seventy-five million youth around the world are unemployed, yet in Brazil, Germany, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States, more than half of all employers are unable to find enough skilled entry-level workers. How...
Often times, one of your best bets to expand business is to look at your own existing customers and their current investments. Taking the time to analyze how many of your customers are actively using Cisco Collaboration products i...
While FCoE technology has been standardized for quite some time now, most FCoE deployments have been upto the access layer of the network. Multi-hop FCoE deployments are gaining traction increasingly. Many a times, I get aske...
Cisco's Advanced Services has been performing penetration tests for our customers since the acquisition of the Wheel Group in 1998. We call them Security Posture Assessments, or SPA for short, and I've been pen testing for just ab...
Gartner has released their 2013 Wired and Wireless LAN Infrastructure Magic Quadrant. For the 2ndtime in a row, Cisco is recognized as a leader in this highly anticipated publication. Without further ado, here is the 20...
At some point, every data center has to migrate a complete server identity between two servers. This could be driven by maintenance needs, server upgrades or DR/HA and SLA requirements. For DR/HA, Business Continuity r...
The growth of the Internet is resulting in a wave of new online tools that allow for increasingly more interactions between people,process,data, and things.For many years Cisco has used the power of the Internet to make a positive...
Every Friday, we'll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories of the week, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here's what you might have missed th...
When I think about what we've done recently to improve our customers' experience with Cisco, the Cisco Support Website immediately jumps to mind. The web team actively consults customers and seeks new ways to improve the...
Our latest episode is out! This one is all about the Contact Center and we spent a lot more time showing examples of Social Media integration. Everyone agrees that 'the internets' are a huge watering hole of opinions a...
Technology moves very quickly and it is often difficult to keep up with new product announcements that are introduced in rapid succession. It is often necessary to take a step back and refresh our memory regarding how a solution i...