Quick question for IT leaders -can the switches on your network report 100% unsampled netflow? If they can't, there may be elusive cybersecurity threats hiding within your network. Yes, inside your network. Every week, ...
Can there ever be enough discussion around "social media measurement"? While I joke as part of the opening of this post, it is a topic that we'll continue to explore in upcoming#Ciscosmt activities. And as a follow up to my recent...
So here we are again -seems like only yesterday that we were going through the difficult task of picking the BIG Awards 2012 finalists.... and now over a year later we are about to announce the finalists for the 2013 competition,a...
For the last couple of years, Cisco Security Intelligence Operations has released a series of blog posts for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The theme for this month from the National Cyber Security Alliance is "...
Today's IT organizations are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Most face an avalanche of new bandwidth requirements hitting their networks, yet too few resources to support the business' needs. In 2013, three out of fou...
For as long as I remember, robots have always been cool. Perhaps it's my passion for all things futuristic, but I don't think I am alone in saying robots have provided a glimpse of what could be possible. Looking at today's Intern...
Positive Train Control (PTC) is one of many new safety measures mandated by the U.S. Federal Government to help prevent train-to-train collisions, derailments and other human-caused accidents. If warnings to slow down or to stop a...
*Note -Skip to the bottom if you aren't at Interop. You can register for our online event and participate in the captioning fun* This week we're in New York for Interop -one of those fun gatherings of networking folks -and ...
We talked about Texas Lone Star Network (TLSN) about two years ago when they upgraded their network with Cisco ASR 9000 Series routers. Since then the company, a consortium of 40 Rural Telecommunications Carriers in Texas has expa...
The acquisition of Composite Software by Cisco has created quite a stir in the enterprise IT community. Data virtualization and networking -how does that make sense? One should assume that before it invested$180M in Composit...
It's back-to-school time once again. Whether it is smartphones, tablets or laptops -devices and the classroom are more intertwined than ever before. Thanks to the growing connections in the Internet of Everything (IoE), it is now ...
This is the latest in a series of posts featuring partner success stories where partners share how they're helping customers achieve their goals by using Cisco technology. This week we're featuring Colin McNamara, Nexus IS Di...