The sweeping changes driven by cloud and the Internet of Everything (IoE) are upending traditional models of IT consumption in dramatic ways. In order to shed new light on these trends and their impact on IT, Cisco? Consulting Ser...
The We're Listening blog series has tracked some of the new programs and capabilities Cisco is introducing to make it easier to do business with us. The corporate Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) Program drives many of these improvem...
Cisco Champions ask Challenging Questions. This is the first in a blog series presented by Carlos Dominguez and Jimmy Ray Purser. I recently had an opportunity to sit down with our Cisco Champions to discuss a range of topic...
The Cisco Government Blog and the Cisco Internet of Everything (IoE) Blog were both named toStateTech Magazine's"Top 50 Must-Read State and Local Government IT Blogs." This is a crowd-sourced list, where blogs were submitted and v...
You probably encounter broken links on the web. We are working hard to minimize broken link experiences on Over a year ago we started using a new tool that helps us shield users from broken link errors. This p...
During World War I, British artist and navy officer Norman Wilkinson proposed the use of "Dazzle Camouflage" on ships. The concept behind Dazzle Camouflage, as Wilkinson explained, was to "paint a ship with large patches of strong...
Cisco is proud to be a Platinum sponsor and exhibitor at PASS Summit this year. If you aren't familiar with PASS Summit, it "is the world's largest, most-focused, and most-intensive conference for Microsoft SQL Server and BI profe...
Join this week long public conversation on Twitter and Huffington Post Impact starting Oct. 7 The growth and convergence of people process, data, and things on the Internet -the Internet of Everything - is making networked connec...
I am very excited to transition into the GM role for the Cisco Sports & Entertainment Solutions Group (SESG). It's an incredible time for this industry, as stadiums around the world transform the fan experience via techn...
This week, 2 of Cisco's current or former education nonprofit partners were recognized by Business Roundtable for their work to prepare U.S. K-12 students for college and the workplace. MIND Research Institute.MIND's Spatial Tem...
Every Friday, we'll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories of the week, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here's what you might have missed thi...
I had a customer at Interop NYC yesterday ask me if I still hack stuff? Still?!?! Of course!! It's something that's just in your blood daddy-o! I just like to hack stuff. It doesn't matter really what it is, I just enjoy the chall...