Every Friday, we'll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories of the week, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here's what you might have missed thi...
Earlier this week, our colleagues at Cox took the wraps off a beauty of a next-new version of personalized television, branded "Contour." It's a continuation of its service extensions earlier this year into screens "beyond the TV,...
Over the last several weeks, I've been posting a blog series around nine HIPAA network considerations. HIPAA Audits will continue The HIPAA Audit Protocol and NIST 800-66 are your best preparation Knowledge is a powerful weapo...
Many branch offices rely on Cisco ISR G2 (Integrated Services Router, Gen 2) as their IT platform. This router series delivers highly secure data, voice, video, and application services through a modular design. This t...
DNS records are an attractive target for distributors of malware. By compromising the DNS servers for legitimate domains, attackers are able to redirect visitors to trusted domains to malicious servers under attacker control. DNS ...
Accelerating the Disruption in Business Mobility Business mobility is driving better productivity, heightened customer experience, and harmonious work/life balance. It also offers freedom for knowledge workers beleaguered by accel...
Business mobility is driving better productivity, heightened customer experience, and harmonious work/life balance. It also offers freedom for knowledge workers beleaguered by accelerating demands on their time and talents. Indeed...
Earlier this year, the number of connected devices reached the 10 billion mark, surpassing the world's human population, and experts expect that number to reach 50 billion over the next two years. This phenomenon, known as the Int...
In this week's episode of Engineers Unplugged, we send the marketer in to chat with the technologist. Steve Shah (@steveshah) quizzes Nisarg Shah (@nisargcisco) around the use cases for NetScaler including load balancing in the Ap...
Cisco's Value Incentive Program (VIP) is in its 22ndconsecutive period and has more than ever to offer. Over the years we have invested billions of dollars into VIP and into you, our partners. For this launch period, we want you t...
Cloud platforms are an increasingly viable option for a growing set of enterprise and service provider workloads. A recent IDC report estimated that private cloud software, including hosted private cloud, represented 62% of IT spe...
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council (SSC) is an open global forum for the ongoing development, enhancement, storage, dissemination, and implementation of security standards for account data protection. The 2...