I always find it funny when there is a commercial for a product that is intended to help you but the commercial ends with a low talking voice that casually itemizes the potential side effects. And I usually laugh because I am remi...
Don't forget: this Wednesday at 10AM PST we're having the last of our Activate the IT Transformation with Unified Access webinar series: Converged User Access Management. Register today and mark you calendars for this informationa...
A few weeks ago, Cisco introduced our new vision for enterprise-wide network architecture based on the Cisco Open Network Environment (ONE) framework. This approach is not a radical departure from traditional networks, but a trans...
Guest blog byCalvin Nieh,Microsoft Solutions Marketing Manager at NetApp. This week, at Microsoft TechEd 2013 in New Orleans, NetApp and Cisco's FlexPod with Microsoft Private Cloud was named a Finalist in the Best of TechEd...
Internet Retailer Conference and Expo 2013, being held this year in Chicago from June 4th to 7th at the McCormick Convention Center, is expected to draw more than 9,500 attendees. Cisco retail industry marketing has grown from the...
Overnight trips when both of my kids were younger were hard. Wishing them goodnight over the phone. Sending postcards. But I always wished there was a way to stay connected with them while I was away. I read an interesting article...
Not long ago this joke was buzzing around the Internet: Question: Why was the computer late to work? Answer: Because it had a hard drive. David Letterman does not have to look over his shoulder but the corny little joke is l...
The massive population shift towards urban areas has continued to evolve the challenges that community leaders and city planners need to address. With limited resources, obstacles that range from traffic congestion and pollution t...
As a follow up to my introductory blog on Securing the Internet of Everything, I would like to discuss further the security implications that will comprise proposed framework. As the applications of the IoT/M2M affect our dai...
In a multi-point TelePresence press briefing on Friday 31stMay Cisco Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Managing Director, Ken Boal, and VP for Global Technology Policy, Dr. Robert Pepper, teamed up to deliver the Australian and New ...
The Australian Government's announcement last week of the National Strategy for Cloud Computing is a welcome development and one that really moves the needle on the government's procurement policies for cloud computing. The M...
Adrienne Meyer, ODVA, Manager of Member Services and Guy Denis, Business Development Manager at Cisco Systems, explain the value and integration that Cisco brings to ODVA for the past decade at Hannover Messe 2013. Here is the thi...