Being a resident of San Francisco, one advantage of is the amount of shopping within walking distance. This year several retailers timed their store openings and remodel to coincide with the holiday season shopping, wh...
Takeaway: The Cisco Enterprise Wireless group helps networking and IT professionals stay informed and get the most out of Cisco's products and solutions, while displaying thought leadership on major technological trends. For ...
With the Mayan apocalypse safely behind us, now we can now safely discuss MPI again. An MPI application developer came to me the other day with a potential bug in Open MPI: he noticed that Open MPI was consuming vast amo...
Last week, a friend of mine jokingly asked me, "So, what is Santa bringing to Cisco's wireless customers this holiday season?" I couldn't help but grin because I already knew what many of you are now aware of: Santa's wireless hol...
2012 has been a great year for social media marketing at Cisco! The organization as a whole is really starting to experience the value of social intelligence, social engagement and social reach which were our key objectives this p...
I joined the Cisco Global Social Media Team in February of this year (2012). It has been one wild ride on this team with LaSandra Brill as my manager. The learning curve has been steep and the team dynamics great. ...
Create community. Drive cross company collaboration. Raise the corporate security consciousness. Educate! These were the major themes present at the synergistic 5thannual Cisco SecCon held December 5-6, 2012, at Cisco's corporate ...
Continuing my tour of the Cisco Domain Ten(SM) framework for simplifying data center transformation, with this blog, I'll build upon my previous blogs and introduce Domain 3, which is concerned with "Automation and Orche...
Edu-ca-tion Fast For-ward (EFF), an orga-ni-za-tion, spon-sored jointly by Promethean and Cisco, that brings together lead-ing global experts and change agents from the world of edu-ca-tion to dis-cuss 'the top-ics that mat-ter mo...
Secure software is a hot topic these days and many people have ideas about what should be done to achieve it. For years, the focus of many software vendors was on security features. Add a firewall. Add SSL to secure data flows. Po...
According to the Cisco Visual Networking Index, China's internet traffic will grow 600 percent in the next two years. At that point, China will also be home to nearly a quarter of the world's broadband users and 21 percent of the ...
We've posted this before, but in honor of the end of the Mayan calendar and the destruction of the world which was forecast for today we're posting it again. In our mind, not having any more IP addresses would be a terrible event ...