One of the marvelous things about community and teamwork is that it allows us to engage with people in a way we couldn't as individuals. When we pool our strength and work together, we can create something in which the whole is gr...
(This is part 3 of a 7-part series sharing insights from Cisco partners about the Future of Cloud.) At CiscoLive!, attendees had the chance to meet with many companies offering cloud services. Dusten Tornow, Director of Infr...
Everyone loves "year in review" articles, slideshows and wraps, right? Well, I do. Cisco's fiscal year ends July 26, so I thought it would be an appropriate time to give our fiscal year in review for the Cisco Social Media team an...
In my last blog, I established reasons behind today's need for IT Transformation. We know that CIOs hope to cut their budget in half, but this will be difficult unless they understand their Enterprise Environment, as well as, the ...
Malware can find its way into the most unexpected of places. Certainly, no website can be assumed to be always completely free of malware. Typically, there are many ways that websites can be compromised to serve malware: DNS re...
"Give me the best servers you have", they said. "Give me the best computers you have", they said. "Give me more mobile devices", they said. "Give me the network required to use all these things", they (almost) never said. The ente...
In the rapidly evolving technological landscape, Internet and wireless technologies have connected different sources of information such as sensors, mobile phones, and vehicles. This futuristic world of eyeglasses that can read em...
Gartner has released their 2014 Magic Quadrant for Wired and Wireless LAN Infrastructure. For the 3rd year in a row, Cisco is recognized as a leader in both vision and execution. We believe this Gartner recog...
Connecting the Unconnected "The Internet of Things is the next technology transition where devices will allow us to sense and control the physical world by making objects smarter and connecting them through an intelligent networ...
The title seems like a simple enough concept, but when it comes to advanced threat protection, truer words were never written. This concept ofvisibilityinto your network, which in turn enables better protection and control of your...
Gartner has released their 2014 Magic Quadrant for Wired and Wireless LAN Infrastructure. For the 3rdyear in a row, Cisco is recognized as a leader in both vision and execution. We believe this Gartner recognition...
IT organizations face several challenges: a globalizing economy, the increasing cost of IT ownership, business users directly going to public Cloud providers, the difficulty of operating complex environments, effectively enabling ...