In the past few weeks, I've received two replacement credit cards. And, no, this does not indicate I've done too much shopping! It means that hackers are continuing to target retailers and the bank decided I needed to be prot...
It's estimated that the number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the world's population by the end of this year.That is a tremendous amount of connectionsand as more devices enter the market, the way people, processes, data,...
In the July issue ofModern Materials Handling (MMH), a very informative article appeared on "4 Ways the Internet of Things is Changing Manufacturing". Editor-at-Large Roberto Michel presents an interesting perspective on the emerg...
Written By Wayne Cullen, Senior Manager, Service Provider Architectures Agility. Scalability. Automation. Orchestration. Programmability. Service providers are exploring such an array of new and exciting capabilities these days! ...
Multiple changes are on the horizon for public sector information technology managers. Over the next two years, IT organizations could be heavily impacted by these transformations, via a very distinct series of events. Gover...
As a business or technical leader, you know you need to protect your company in a rapidly evolving mobile ecosystem.However, threats are not always obvious. As malware and attacks become more sophisticated over time, business de...
If you're a network engineer or have been following some of the recent trends in network security space, you may have come across terms such as "erosion of trust", "zero trust ecosystem", "the increased attack surface" and "new at...
The month of June was very exciting for FlexPod. On June 16th, Gartner released their 2014 Magic Quadrant for integrated infrastructure with FlexPod positioned in the leaders quadrant. On June 25th, Cisco and NetAppanno...
As the Internet of Everything (IoE) continues to drive one of the most sweeping market transitions in history, organizations will need to be hyper-aware, predictive, and agile. And IT will demand an infrastructure that is flexible...
(This is part 2 of a 7-part series sharing insights from Cisco partners about the Future of Cloud.) Chris Kemmerer, Director, Mobility Solutions, Verizon, had a lot to share with me at CiscoLive! "What I'm seeing this year is very...
I recently wrote a blog post about Steria, one of our Cisco Prime Service Catalog customers (you can also read their case study here). Today, I'm proud to introduce another case study on an IT service provider customer u...
LiveAction 4.0, shipped in late June 2014, brings increased scalability to enable users the ability to see thousands of devices across their entire network on a single pane of glass. It provides centralized visibility and manageme...