While many are arguing the existence of a comeback in liberal arts education, too many public schools are seeing a decline in arts education due to budget and resource cuts. The benefits of music and arts education are well docume...
It is one thing to recognize cyber threats and their potential to disrupt entire companies, agencies and institutions. It is another thing to do something about it. In light of recent threats we cannot sit still and wait for the n...
So what exactly can you do in 16 minutes? Well, you can: Download and install your preferred tax prep software, because (if you're in the US or Canada) April is coming Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, then reminisce and/or...
Cloud is driving unprecedented levels of data growth and demanding strong interdependency between the server, network, and storage environments. Customers like TOTVS agree that in order to properly consolidated and centralize clou...
We're connecting more of our world every day through smart, IP-enabled devices ranging from home appliances, healthcare devices, and industrial equipment. These new connected devices are offering new ways to share information and ...
Today MWC 2014 came to a close in Barcelona having been another resoundingly successful event. Mobile operators and Service Providers have displayed ever increasing interest in Monitization of their infrastructure especially via W...
Most Americans don't know it, but radio spectrum has become an indispensable tool in our daily lives. Spectrum is the invisible link between our smart phones, tablets, laptops, fitbits, and other mobile devices to the Intern...
On February 18, Cisco announced the evolution of service provider (SP) networks. It is probably a good idea to step back, just a little, and explain how Cisco sees the challenges ahead and how we intend to continue to provide our ...
Mobile World Congress 2014 continues this week in Barcelona with record attendances. Many SP's are exploring new ways to monetize their network investments, in an earlier posting some of these models were explored. Again this week...
As data center workloads grow we hear about new large-scale mega data centers being built. According to a recent report Microsoft is planning on building a$9 Billion data center in Korea. This photo shows one of Micr...
In this week's episode of Engineers Unplugged, Jamie MacQuarrie (@JMacQuarrie) and Jay Cuthrell (@qthrul) discuss both the history and future of the data center. How have automation and standards changed the operational model for ...
Last month, Cisco announced new research that I find particularly exciting in my role of helping customers maximize value from their investments in collaboration, video, and mobility. "Internet of Everything: A$4.6 Trillion Public...