This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first Surgeon General's report on the health hazards of smoking. While we are encouraged by the significant progress we have made in reducing the percentage of smokers from 43% to 18% in...
In December, I blogged about Predictions 2014: Wager on the Internet of Everything (IoE) for the Manufacturing Industry. In terms of thought and verbal capital, investments in IoE/IoT (Internet of Things) are proliferating f...
I've commented here about the imperative to return to a patent system that incents and rewards innovation and discourages the speculators and opportunists who are using litigation leverage and bad patents to extract money from the...
A year ago we introduced the Cisco Quantum Software suite based on an architectural construct of an automated, closed loop -linking network, analytics and policy -to help Mobile Operators better optimize and monetize their network...
Yes, really. I just got back from Cisco Live! Milan where Chris Young, Senior VP at Cisco, spoke to the Cisco security story, Intelligent Cybersecurity for the Real World. The Cisco security strategy addresses many security challe...
Since Cisco announced its intent to acquire WHIPTAIL, many have taken to the Internet to speculate about how WHIPTAIL's flash memory systems will fit into Cisco's product line. The speculation ended with the launch ofCisco's UCS I...
I dare you not to communicate. Go ahead, I dare you. Try it. Try not to reach over to your smartphone. Try not to open a new e-mail. Try not to type a quick instant message. Try... My point is you can'tnotcommunicate. Yes, I reali...
Network optimization is a touchy subject for many in the IT world, and a particularly thorny issue for the Wide Area Network (WAN). The idea that the network architecture as designed cannot meet the needs of tomorrow is the cause ...
The registration is now open and there is still time left to respond to the call for papers for the upcoming FIRST Technical Colloquium April 7-8, 2014. Please contact us at [email protected] for speaker engagements. The even...
When I ask IT executives how happy they are with their external support providers (outsourcers, vendors, etc.) invariably they express deep frustration. They look to these vendors to be real partners -to collaborate effectively an...
Windows Server 2012 R2 is central to Microsoft's Cloud OS vision; the operating system platform delivers enhancements and new features in virtualization, management, storage, networking, and more. Our Cisco server infrastruc...
In 2011, I wrote a blog called "The Results: How Reverse Mentoring Can Enhance Diversity and Inclusion". The blog described the benefits, the lessons learned and the most popular areas to mentor from a Reverse Mentoring Program I ...