Did you know we have a monthly newsletter? If you haven't signed up for this months' newsletter, you still have the chance to check out some of the stories we're sharing this month. If you'd like to sign up for future newsle...
If you were to believe the industry press, you could easily be forgiven for thinking that many companies across the world were rolling software defined networking (SDN) technologies into their networks today. I'm part of Cis...
It's February 14, and Valentine's Day is already trending on Twitter. It's estimated that more than 60% of adults will take time today to honor the important relationships in their lives. According to History.com, approximately 15...
For many of us, conferences like Mobile World Congress are places where we learn about the latest technology and industry developments, network with our colleagues, and meet with customers and partners. During that time, Wi-...
What is the new Nexus 5600? We at Cisco are really excited to introduce the new Cisco Nexus 5600 platform! It is the third generation of industry's leading Data Center Server-Access Nexus 5000 series of switches. Cisco Nexus 5600 ...
Each week, we'll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here's what you might have missed this week: Off the...
During the past years WAN optimization devices were used to optimize end-user traffic mainly. Employers connecting to remote applications can achieve better user experience if a couple of WAN optimization are deployed. Typically w...
In recent weeks, the volume of malicious email carrying attachments has increased substantially. To entice recipients into opening those attachments, attackers are employing pitches across a wide range of subjects. In doing ...
Based on 25 years of professional experience in various businesses around the globe, I can say that many industry verticals have a pretty good state of safety culture as it relates to the health and safety of their employees. ...
An embeddable tooth implant sends patient information to a dentist in real-time. A smartwatch responds to touch to help ease the loneliness of long distance relationships. A bracelet records daily physical activity and caloric in...
Happy Thursday all. Yesterday, my brethren Product Manager, Ivor Diedricks announced his new 10 Gigabit Small Business Switch. This is the first 10 Gigabit Switch in the Small Business Series. This is an important announcement in ...
Recently I wrote about a few real life examples of IDC Manufacturing Insights 2014 Predictions: Worldwide Manufacturing and their Top 10 predictions in two parts. They can be found: Part 1 and Part 2. I wanted to conti...