How exciting it is when we see student gains in math that are consistent regardless of language, culture of origin, gender, and even learning disability! As Peter Tavernise wrote this week in his blog post, it is even more excitin...
Montpellier, France this week hosted the 35th edition of the DigiWorld Summit whose overall theme was "The digital gold mines". The event focused on digital innovation, especially its ability to create value w...
To read the first part of the Network Matters blog series that focuses on how IT leaders can rely on a network to simplify the process of onboarding new mobile technology,click here.To read the second part of the series that discu...
The most wonderful time of year is upon us. With the holidays just around the corner, many will be crossing off wish lists by shopping via their laptop, tablet or smartphone. Last year I was one of those that waited until the last...
The road to the connected factory was made easier today by the announcement of new features which will be highlighted in two new design guides for industrial networks. The design guides help manufacturers deploy an industria...
This is the fifth post in a series from Dimension Data and Cisco Channels looking at user adoption and integration of unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) solutions. Findings stem fromDimension Data's 2013 Global UC...
This week, Cisco will receive the National Partner in Innovation Award from MIND Research Institute, based in Southern California. We are honored, but that's not what is most important. While many such awards are given annually by...
A couple of months ago, we introduced the new Cisco MDS 9700 Series Multilayer Directors. The new Cisco MDS 9710 Director establishes a new benchmark for performance -delivering more than three times the bandwidth of any Director ...
If I told you there's something all around us that, if connected, could significantly help reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, reduce pollution on a massive scale, reduce the amount of time we spend in our cars, make entire cit...
"For years, patent assertion entities -otherwise known as patent trolls -have been targeting businesses large and small with frivolous lawsuits, threat letters, and intimidation tactics. Lately, the problem has been getting ...
It's fitting that we're in NYC this week, talking about energy management during Cisco's Internet of Everything tour. And that's because it's an issue that's left$24.60 billion worth of energy savings on the table -enough to power...
We all know we need it, but no one wants to talk about. Today, we break through that taboo. Secure the Infrastructure! This bold declaration brought to you courtesy of Matthew Brender (@mjbrender) and Mike Foley (@mikefoley) as th...