Power efficiency remains a top decision point for many customers looking to modernize their data center. Customers searching for an accurate way to compare server power among vendors are often directed to use power calculators wit...
It goes without saying that to stay relevant in today's global and ever-increasingly competitive economy, every company and organization needs to bring on their A-game. This means having a solid business strategy, the drive to bea...
Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields are critical to innovation and the continued development of the U.S. economy. However, trends are showing that while there are and will continue to be plenty of jobs in these...
Like many IT organizations, Cisco's internal IT department is deploying Big Data solutions to mine the ever-increasing data in-flow from a wide range of sources -and thus gain competitive advantage and insights. The typical enviro...
This year I was honored to be able to present and participate at Cisco Live Cancun, which took place last week. Many attendees from North, Central and South America and the Caribbean came to discover innovative ways that networkin...
Cisco will host a live webcast on Wedn November 13, 2013 to discuss BYOD, mobility, security and how Cisco access switching address these customer needs. If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance that your work is someh...
Last week was a memorable one for me in more ways than one. First, the unveiling of Cisco's Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) specifics by John Chambers and his Executive Management team via a public webcast on Nov 6. The a...
Cisco continues its tradition ofperformance and price/performance leadershipwith the announcement of aworld-record TPC-H benchmarkwith the SAP Sybase IQ database on the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS?) platform. On Octo...
#Ciscosmt November 21st TwitterChatIt's hard to believe another calendar year is coming to an end less than 2 months. I'm amazed at the pace of which digital and social media continue to evolve and get excited when I think of wh...
In the last MSE blog, Reddy Babu talked about the new Location Aware Guest Captive Portal powered by the Mobility Services Engine (MSE). The MSE was first introduced to provide location based information as a core service to the n...
Automation Fair is a can't miss conference for leading automation, controls, operations and IT professionals. This year's event will be held in Houston on the 13thand 14thof this month at the George R. Brown Convention Cent...
"On the 11thday of the 11thmonth at the 11thhour in 1918, a cessation of hostilities was honored and WWI came to its unofficial end. Veterans Day (then known as Armistice Day) began as a commemoration to acknowledge the heroism of...