A sincere thank you to all of those who are serving or who have served in the USmilitary. We live freely today because you put your life on the line to protect all that we hold dear. "The Flag does not fly because of the winds tha...
The2013 Cisco IT Impact Surveyfound that 40% of IT professionals stated that moving their applications to the Cloud as one of their key IT challenges over the past 12 months with 50% of respondents highlighting security data prote...
Following our launch of the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), we continue with our series exploring in more detail key aspects of the ACI policy model and partner ecosystem. In Part 1 of my series on ACI, we looked a...
It's Veterans Day, and Cisco is proud to support veterans and their families in many ways. For one, we look for opportunities to hire veterans at Cisco: Courtney Beard is just one our most recent hires. We also train veterans and ...
SAP?HANATM is a next-generation database platform for real-time analytics and applications. Although the in-memory, columnar relational database debuted only recently (in June 2011), it has quickly become the fastest growing produ...
Many thanks to the crew at LBL for hosting my talks yesterday. There were many insightful questions and comments throughout both talks. Here's the slides from my first talk, entitled "(Open) MPI, Parallel Computing, Life, th...
Social media strategies differ for all companies and we all know the key to social is to have great content to amplify. So what happens when you have a team that not only produces great content but also has great social media tac...
Every server manufacturer has a Server TCO tool, of sorts.Why do I say "of sorts"? Because rather than a straightforward approach to TCO, some tools color the input parameters with fixed pre-sets, conditions and assumptions.Certai...
Every Friday, we'll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories of the week, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here's what you might have missed thi...
Introduction It's mind-boggling to see the speed at which people, process, data, and things are becoming more and more connected. The Internet of Everything (IoE) world is already happening. But what does that world really l...
Yesterday, Nov 6, Cisco unveiled details of the Application Centric Infrastructure with an ecosystem of partners that share our common view -IT is in need of a transformation to create the Application Economy. Some key...
This year Cisco held Data Virtualization Day 2013 at the New York Palace in New York City. With 350 attendees from more than 130 organizations, it marked the largest event to date and showcased data virtualization is top of mind f...